Prices and Payment

Team registration cost:
250 euro*
275 euro for local teams without guestcards

*This covers prizes, referees and garantees stats, and videorecording of games will be of quality.

60 euro*
(1 coach is free per team)

Guestcards include:
- Lodging at school on hard surface
- 2 breakfasts, 2 lunch, 2 dinners, 1 travel food (sunday)
- Coaching room, with coffe, tee and some snacks in game gym.

Payment information

Teamfee and guestcards is to be payed to this account
Teamfee is to be payed before 15th of June, guestcards before 31th of August

Payment info below


Put "teamname" in payment to account.
If bank asks for street adress put: Alsvej 4c, 2970 Horsholm,denmark

(Danske hold bruger dette)
Reg. 1329 (nordea)
Konto: 6880 217 338