onsdag den 18. juli 2012

Groups and game schedule

Hello everybody,

Groups and game schedule will be published before the 15th of august here on the page.


mandag den 16. juli 2012

Brahe (Swe) enters PSI 2012

1. Hørsholm (Denmark)
2. Værløse BBK (Denmark)
3. SISU (Denmark)
4. BMI Bloodhounds (Denmark)
5. Høgsbo (Sweden)
6. KFUM Uppsala (Sweden)
7. TKM Wloclawek (PL)
8. Brahe (Sweden)

All 8 teams in place for second anual Pre Season Tournament in Horsholm 14-16 of September.

Groups and gameschedule will be out before 15th of August
(Games will start Friday 14th at 16:30)