mandag den 16. september 2013
søndag den 15. september 2013
fredag den 13. september 2013
Results Friday, Saturday 13-14/9 (updated 19:45)
Boys 98 results Friday (23:30 updated)
SISU vs Malbas 95-91
Værløse vs KFUM Uppsala 62-72
KFUM Jamtland vs Hørsholm 98ers 58-80
Høgsbo vs HSA 64-56
Boys 98 results Saturday 14/9
SISU vs Malbas 95-91
Værløse vs KFUM Uppsala 62-72
KFUM Jamtland vs Hørsholm 98ers 58-80
Høgsbo vs HSA 64-56
Boys 98 results Saturday 14/9
Hørsholm 98ers vs SISU 71-81
Malbas Basket vs KFUM Jamtland 40-58
KFUM Uppsala vs Høgsbo 54-53
HSA vs Værløse 82-75
Malbas vs Hørsholm 98ers 61-73
SISU vs Jamtland 68-61
Hogsbo vs Værløse 57-59
mandag den 9. september 2013
Tournament Map - Directions to facilities
lørdag den 24. august 2013
PSI 2013 welcomes Simon Sidenius Brockhusen

One of the goals when I started this tournament was to make as much as possible "pro" style and as all of you know with limited resources and trying to hold down costs for visiting teams its not all that easy.
One of the things that we ad this year is a "Physio" to treat and evaluate injures.
He will be placed in the main gym Horsholmhallen and he will be there from Friday 18:00 to Sunday`s last games.
Pre Season Invitational 2013 welcomes Simon Sidenius Brockhusen who is a educated and licensed chiropractor with continued studies to become a medical doctor which he will be in 3 years.
He has a sports background in basketball which he has played for 15 years.
Simon has worked with:
Danish U16 mens nationalteam season 2011-2012
Hørsholm Basketball camp 2012
Hørsholm Basketball Club (9 teams), Nordic championships for club teams 2013
Danish U16 mens nationalteam season 2012- 2013
Here he was a big part in in the success for them team and staff for U16, which won B-European championships and moved op to play A-European championships next summer 2014.
Welcome Simon!
onsdag den 21. august 2013
Game Schedule Pre Season Invitational 2013(update 21/8)
BC Torrelodones (Esp) delievered the news today that they will not show up for the tournament. Luckily I already had the winners from this years nordic championship as backup if somebody cancelled.
KFUM Uppsala will replace BC Torrelodones and take all their games.
Name change has been made in game schedule.
Click the picture to see game schedule
No changes will be made to the schedule
/Andreas Holmgran & crew
KFUM Uppsala will replace BC Torrelodones and take all their games.
Name change has been made in game schedule.
Click the picture to see game schedule
No changes will be made to the schedule
/Andreas Holmgran & crew
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